The latest supported release for Subscription Manager is version 2.2.
Features Added:
- Default Subscriptions
- Defaults rights per Role
- Password Expiry and Cannot use last x passwords
- ADFS external identity support
- Automatic approval for users signing up for a subscription
- Help & support page
- XMPro Admins can delete Companies, Users
- Subscription and Access request can now be rejected
- SMTP settings can be validated in Installer
- Signup page redesigned
- Landing page redesigned
- Help link and icon updated
- UI improvements on Sign Up page
Issues Fixed:
- “Create failed for table ‘dbo.Product” error fixed when installing or updating Subscription Manager
- First time load takes a long time
- Some special characters are not accepted in new passwords
New Features/ Changes:
- Product Installation Profile support to allow automated install
- Improved landing page
- Certificate validation in installers
- Relying party OData service endpoint now supports filtering on Subscription ID
- Installer Support to Upgrade existing sites
Issues resolved:
- Refreshing the browser navigates to landing page
- Command bar More menu kicks in too early
- Not all access rights are visible in a check list
- Browse button in Subscription detail blade doesn’t filter for Base URL
- Renamed from XMIdentity Service to XMPro Subscription Manager
- Cross application navigation – landing page added
- Cross application navigation – menu added
- New light theme added
- CORS support for relying parties added
- OData endpoints for user and subscription information added for relying parties
- Notification email templates updated
- New login page image added