Upgrading an older Action Hub version (6.0.x and older) to the latest version of Action Hub (6.7)

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This article highlights the steps to upgrade an existing XMPro website where the current version is older than 6.0.x.

For more detail on XMPro Lifecycle Management please see here.

The first step will be to upgrade the database. There have been several schema changes made in the 6.1 release of Action Hub. Because of this you will need to incrementally upgrade the database to the latest version starting with version 6.1. For example, to upgrade to 6.7 you will need to run the database upgrade tool for versions 6.1, 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7. The 6.1 upgrade will take the longest as it has the most schema changes and accompanying data updates.

The second step will be to upgrade the Action Hub Website.

To start you will need to download the XMSite Manager for all versions from 6.1 onwards from the XMPro Documentation site at https://docs.xmpro.com/. You will need to register to get access to the Downloads section on the site.

IMPORTANT Version 6.7 onwards does not support VBScript. The last version to support VBScript is the unsupported version 6.1. Any VBScript based process will need to be converted to managed code (C#).

Step One: Upgrade the XMPro Database

Unzip the downloaded Site Manager zipped files. You will need to run the XMPro Site Manager.exe application directly on the SQL Server where the database is located.

IMPORTANT: The XMSite Manager 6.1 only works with SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014. The following steps apply to all versions up to 6.7.
  • From the options, select Upgrade an existing database option. When you click on next you will be prompted to make a back-up first. You can use the XMSite Manager application to make the back-up, or if you have made a back-up already, click on No to ignore and move to the next step.
  • In the form, select the Server Instance, Authentication Mode and the Database Instance to upgrade. The user selected under Authentication mode must have the rights on the database to modify schemas and run upgrade scripts.
  • Click on next to start the upgrade process. This can take some time depending on the size of the database.

Step Two: Upgrade the Website

There is no need to incrementally upgrade the website as with the database. There are two options when upgrading the site:

  • Upgrade the existing site. To do this you will use the XMPro Site Manager application for 6.7 downloaded above. This path is suggested if you have a 6.0.x version or later, e.g. 6.0.0. In the tools window select the “Upgrade an existing workspace” option.
  • Install a new version of XMPro Action Hub. This option is recommended if you are migrating XMPro to a new Windows Server installation. Any additional scripts, e.g. custom JavaScript’s will need to be copied the download is also available on the Downloads page.

Refer to the knowledge base article: Steps When Upgrading a 6.XX Site for all the changes to take into account when upgrading or installing a new Action Hub site.

NOTE: In v6.7 one of the new features is the Subscription Manager. This is an optional option for this version when upgrading or installing a new version of Action Hub. If you want to use the web-based process designer, then this option is required.

See https://docs.xmpro.com/docs/subscription-manager/overview/ for an overview of the Subscription Manager.

See https://docs.xmpro.com/xmworkspace-installation-v6-7/ for more details and options on how to install the latest version of Action Hub.


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