Why can’t I login to Action Hub using the site.admin account after migrating an old site to the latest version of XMPro?

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Why can’t I login to Action Hub using the site.admin account after migrating an old site to the latest version of XMPro?

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If the Action Hub is upgraded to use Subscription Manager authentication (meaning the site.admin user was created previously), site.admin will no longer work for the Action Hub login, but until the password expires, it will allow you to log in to the XMDesigner.

If a user account in the Action Hub does not exist in Subscription Manager (i.e. site.admin) and their password expires, they will no longer be able to log in to XMDesigner.

When a user (i.e. [email protected]) uses Subscription Manager to log in to the Action Hub for the first time (meaning the Action Hub does not have that username in the database), the Action Hub will create a user account matching the username automatically.

This account will not have admin rights. It is recommended to either:

  • Add admin rights to the [email protected] account after it is generated and delete the site.admin user OR
  • Change the site.admin username to [email protected] before logging in to the Action Hub with the admin@ user.

Both actions will resolve the issue of using 2 license slots.


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