Task Missing in Both “In Progress” and “Completed” Track List

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Issue – Possible Causes

  1. The account being used does not have the tracking right to the process the task belongs to.
  2. Tracking permission has not been set up properly for the activity.

Resolution for Possible Cause 1

  • Assign the user account tracking right of the process the task belongs to.
  • Find the role in the All Employees group and highlight the role, then click the Tracking Rights button.

  • The Tracking Editor window will then open. Select the process from Available Processes to Current Processes by clicking the > button.
  • Processes can be removed from Current Processes by highlighting and clicking the < button.
  • When finished, click OK and save.

Resolution for Possible Cause 2

  • Highlight the activity, set Allow Tracking to True so that users that have tracking rights to the process can track the tasks in the tracking menu.
  • Set Allow Value Tracking to True so that users that have tracking rights to the process can track the details of the tasks. If this property is set to False and the Allow Tracking property is set to True, the user can track the process in the tracking menu in the XMPro Workspace, but the user cannot click on the activity in the tracking to see the values entered in that activity.

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