How to Decode HTML Code in XMPro Workspace

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How to Decode HTML Code in XMPro Workspace

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Decode Escaped HTML code eg &lt;br/&gt; which is displayed as <br/> in XMPro workspace rather than inserting a break line solution.


  • As an example, consider the below query:

select cast(u.FirstName + ‘ ‘ + u.LastName + ‘ – ‘ + CONVERT(nvarchar, ptr.Hours) + ‘<br/>’ as varchar(255)) as [ResourceHours]
from tsh_Master_ProjectTask pt
inner join tsh_Master_Project p on p.Id = pt.ProjectId
left outer join tsh_Master_ProjectTaskResource ptr on ptr.TaskId = pt.TaskId
left outer join fcUser u on u.RoleID = ptr.ResourceId
where pt.ProjectId = @ProjectId and ptr.Active = 1) tmp
where mpt.TaskId = tmp.TaskId
FOR XML PATH (”)), 1, 2, ”) as Resource

HTML Query Result: Harsha Kandalam – 10 &lt;br//&gt;Nelius Jordan – 8 &lt;br//&gt;Chun Wong – 6 &lt;br//&gt;

  • Map the query HTML result to a reference label.
  • Use HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(REFERENCE VARIABLE).ToString() to decode and set the actual value back to the label.
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