How Do I Make Browse Pages Editable using Custom Stylesheets?

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Sometimes there is a need to make browse pages editable and allow the users to type into them versus selecting using the browse page button. This can be achieved by amending the custom stylesheet to allow for the editing of browse pages following the steps below.

In the ActivityDisplay.xsl, add the following to the JavaScript block:

function OnValueChanged(cpAutoPostBack) { if (cpAutoPostBack != undefined) { if (cpAutoPostBack == 'True') {  theForm.submit(); } } }

In the ObjectTemplates.xsl for the Browse Page template, disable the ReadOnly attribute as follows:

<!-- xsl:attribute name="ReadOnly">True</xsl:attribute -->

In the ObjectTemplates.xsl for the Browse Page template, add the following into the ClientSideEvents:

<xsl:attribute name="ValueChanged">function(s,e) { OnValueChanged('<xsl:value-of select="$Attributes/Attribute[@name='autopostback']"/>'); }</xsl:attribute>

The next step is how far do you require this custom stylesheet to propagate only per activity or per site.

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