Error occurs after upgrading XMPro Action Hub to 6.7 with Subscription Manager

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An error occurs when trying to log in to the Action Hub after upgrading to version 6.7 with Subscription Manager authentication.


This is caused by the WebsiteUrl setup in the site.config file of the Action Hub folder does not match with the Product URL setup in Subscription Manager.

For instance:

WebsiteUrl setup in site.config of Action Hub:


Product URL of Subscription Manager:


Correct the WebsiteURL setting in site.config using XMDesigner by the following steps:

  1. Log on to the upgraded website using an XMPro account with administrative rights.
  2. Click on the Administration Tab.

  1. Click the Workspace button.

  1. Search for WebsiteUrl from Name column of the middle panel.

  1. Remove “defualt.aspx” in the Value column.
  2. Save the changes by clicking on the Save button.

  1. On the Apply Server Settings message prompt, click Yes.

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