Display Field Values in History for Tasks Actioned from an Email

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Display Field Values in History for Tasks Actioned from an Email

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It is possible to action tasks assigned to users via email (see: Training Session 28: Triggering XMPro Actions from an Email (Email Token)). The issue is that only trigger code is executed, which means that code that populates fields elsewhere will not execute and history for these activities will appear blank as shown below.


The way to resolve the issue is to add the code that populates your fields in the _OnSubmit() method for each Command Option that will be triggered, as shown below.

The code window can be accessed in the following ways:

  • From Visio, right click on the arrow and then click on the Code option.


  • From the Main Designer Window click on the Trigger property on the Command Option control in the properties pane, or double clicking on the Command Option control in the Designer Pane. Remember to check the ‘Enable Script IDE’ checkbox to be able to double click. Check ‘View All Command Option/s’ to view Command Option added using the Visio Designer.


Now the fields on the form will be populated as shown below.


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