Change the Subscription Manager’s Connection String Settings

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The database connection settings supplied during the installation of the Subscription Manager are encrypted and stored in the web.config file.
If you need to change these settings after install you have the following options:

1. Change authentication details only

If you are only changing the authentication details of the connection string:

  • Run the XM Subscription Manager installation wizard from your Start Menu.
  • Choosing the ‘Upgrade’ option, and then changing the authentication details used to connect to the database.


2. Change server and database name (i.e relocating database)

If you’re changing the server or database name you will need to manually make the changes in the web.config file.

             <data connectionString="metadata=res://*/Context.csdl|res://*/Context.ssdl|res://*
             /Context.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;Data Source=<data-source>;
             Initial Catalog=XMProSubscriptionManager;User ID=<user-id>;Password=<password>;multipleactiveresultsets=True;
             application name=EntityFramework&quot;" />
             <operationalData connectionString="Data Source=<data-source>;Initial Catalog=XMProSubscriptionManager;
             User ID=<user-id>;Password=<password>" />
          <data connectionString="" />
               <data connectionString="metadata=res://*/SettingsContext.csdl|res://*/SettingsContext.ssdl|res://*/SettingsContext.msl;
               provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;Data Source=<data-source>;
               Initial Catalog=XMProSubscriptionManager;User ID=<user-id>;Password=<password>;multipleactiveresultsets=True;
               application name=EntityFramework&quot;" />

Note: If you do not encrypt the file again, your passwords will be visible in plain-text. If you choose to leave the file unencrypted, be sure to uncomment the configuration section again (as explained in step 1 of the instructions to Encrypt/Decrypt the web.config file)


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