Subscription Manager Integration

Subscription Manager support

Support has been added for Action Hub to use use Subscription Manager as an authentication method, which can be specified during installation. Selecting “Use Subscription Manager” in the Administrator Configuration section of the Action Hub installer will allow the Action Hub site being installed to use Subscription Manager to authenticate users. After this method is selected, the installer will require you to upload an installation profile path, which is the physical path to a file containing details that will allow the Action Hub site to connect to Subscription Manager. For instructions on how to download this file, please click here.

The installer also offers you the option to create a subscription in Subscription Manager, in other words, there will be no need for a subscription to be manually given to you after the new Action Hub instance has been installed. Selecting this option will also inform the installer that access to Action Hub needs to be given to you automatically. For more information how subscriptions and access work in Subscription Manager, please read these articles.

Ability to manually set DNS host name via installer

The Action Hub installer now allows for the DNS host name, that will form part of the Action Hub site URL, to be set by a user during the installation process. The installer will automatically fill the host name of the machine where it is running from in the DNS Host Name field, but allow the user to change it, if needed.

For example, if the virtual directory is left as “XMPro” and the DNS host name is changed to “mysampleserver“, given that the site will run using HTTPS, the URL will be “https://mysampleserver/XMPro/“.

For an Action Hub site to run under HTTPS, please configure HTTPS in IIS

The installer now offers the user the choice between running the newly installed Action Hub site under HTTP or HTTPS. A new site can be configured to run using HTTPS by simply choosing the “https” option from the drop-down menu during installation.

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