

AdHocTaskFirstActivityName The name of the First Activity to be used in Ad Hoc Task.
AdministratorMailAddress The e-mail address of an on-site site administrator (or administrators, in which case each e-mail address should be separated with a semicolon (;) ). This address will be used to communicate any unusual conditions in the XMServer that might require expert advice.

Note: Removing the associated value will result in no administrative warning e-mails.

AuthenticationMode Defines the security mechanism used in order to validate a specific user. XMPro supports different authentication modes:

  1. ‘xmpro’: All users will be presented with an XMPro login screen, and will only be granted access once a valid username and password have been entered.
  2. ‘windows’: The XMWorkspace will attempt to log the connecting user in automatically using the user’s associated Active Directory credentials. If the credentials received does not match a valid configured user in XMPro, the user will receive an access denied error message.

Note: ‘Anonymous Access’ should be disabled on the XMPro website.

  1. ‘saml2’: The XMWorkspace will attempt to log the connecting user in automatically using the user’s associated SAML credentials. If the credentials received does not match a valid configured user in XMPro, the user will receive an access denied error message.

Note: ‘Anonymous Access’ should be disabled on the XMPro website.

  1. ‘mixed’: A mixture of the (aforementioned) ‘XMPro’ and ‘Windows’ and ‘saml2’ authentication modes. The XMWorkspace will first attempt to log the connecting user in using the user’s associated saml2 credentials, should this fail Active Directory credentials.  Should this login attempt fail the user will be presented with a login screen, and will be granted access once a valid username and password have been entered.
AuthenticationModeDebugging A site-wide (debugging) value indicating whether or not to display the Active Directory information on the XMWorkspace Log-On page.
CaseFileLineNumbers A site-wide value for the maximum number of entries to show in the case page before paging.
Company The company name for the current XMWorkspace.
ConnectionString The connection string to use to connect to the XMPro Database.  The connection string format is as follows:
data source=[dataSource];initial catalog=[initialCatalog];[security]

[dataSource]: The name of the SQL Server (‘(local)’ refers to the local machine).

[initialCatalog]: The name of the XMPro database.

[security]: Either ‘Integrated Security=SSPI’ for Windows authentication, or ‘user id=[sqlUserId]; password=[sqlUserPassword] for SQL Server authentication where [sqlUserId] is a valid user on the SQL Server and [sqlUserPassword] is the associated user’s password.

DefaultBusinessGroup The Business Group which will automatically be assigned to newly registered Users.
DefaultLocation Default location of Users and Resources. It’s used to load relative Public Holidays.
DefaultPassword The site-wide default password value that will automatically be assigned to new users.
DefaultSkin The name of the site-wide default skin to use for all users of the XMWorkspace.

Note: This value maps to one of the directory names under the ‘\Skins’ folder where the default XMWorkspace skins are installed.

DefaultTimeZone Default TimeZone for Users. It’s used for the Scheduler to load the correct time zone as per user.
DefaultWorkingDays Default Working Days – comma separated list. If not specified it will default to a 5-day work week.
DefaultWorkingHoursEnd Default Working Hour start time. Format as hh:mm:ss. Default 17:30:00
DefaultWorkingHoursStart Default Working Hour start time. Format as hh:mm:ss. Default 09:00:00
DesignerUrl The main URL for the XMDesigner help files.
DevExpressTheme Theme for all DevExpress Controls.
DisableActivityServerNotifications Enables or disables the new activity notification emails sent by the XMServer.
DisableAdHocTasks Used to disable Ad-hoc Tasks.
DisableAsnycNotifications Enables or disables the new activity notification emails sent by the XMServer to either async or sync.
DisableCase Determines if the case feature is disabled.
DisableCaseFileView Disables the Case File view from the widget bar on activities.
DisableFileDetailsThumbnailView Disables the Case View thumbnail view versus detail view.
DisableGenericDataForms Enables the GenericDataforms feature.
DisablePasswordReset Allows the end users to request a password reset.
DisableRegisterUser Allows the end users to register themselves.
DisableRememberMe Enable Remember Me.
DisableReportDesigner Disables the web report designer.
DisableSchedulerView Disables the scheduler view from the menu.
DisableSocial Used to disable Discussions.
DisableSocialLogin Enable Social Login.
DisableSocialNotifications Setting to enable or Disable Collaboration Notification Emails.
DisableXMConnectAdministration Disables the XMConnect Administration view.
DisableXMProTaskEditing Setting to enable editing of XMPro Specific Tasks.
DisableXMWorkspaceAdministration Allows for the XMWorkspace Administration to be disabled.
DistributionList SemiColon separated list of users who receive notification of a new User Registrations.
EnableEventLog Specifies whether or not events should be recorded in the System Event Log.
EnableXslCache Indicates whether or not stylesheets should be cached in memory in order to reduce I/O calls for each request.

Note: Changes to the associated stylesheet files will not be reflected until the server is restarted.

GlobalBrowsePageAutoFilter Specify a global override filter mechanism for Browse Pages.  Values are None, Auto, OnEnter.
HelpFileLocation The main URL location for the help file index.
HtmlEditorRepositoryUrl Defines the site-wide default directory to which uploaded files will be saved.
IECompatibilityModeVersion Compatibility mode for IE to be used by DevExpress to render controls. Acceptable values are 7,8,9, etc. which are major version numbers of IE Browser.
LandingURL A site-wide value indicating upon a successful login where to redirect the user.
License The current license for the XMWorkspace.
LinesToAdd The site-wide default number of new lines to add to an object group when the user press the “Add” button on an object group.

Note: Setting the ‘LinesToAdd‘ property on an object group overrides this configuration value (therefore taking precedence).

LoginAttemptCount Specifies the number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed per user before the user’s associated account is locked.

Note: Setting this value to ‘0’ disables this feature.  Furthermore, ’10’ is the maximum number of attempts, therefore, setting this value greater than ’10’ will default to ’10’.

LogTransactions Indicates whether or not an audit trail is kept of changes made.
ManagedCodeLanguage A site-wide value indicating which Code language to be used.
MaxTaskIndicators The maximum number of task indicators to show when triggered.  Setting to 0 will disable the feature and setting to a higher number will increase the number of messages shown but will impact the task list loading.
MissingFileStartPrompt_Minutes Determines the time in minutes before a missing file should start prompting the user.
MissingFileStopPrompt_Days Determines the time in days before a missing file should stop prompting the user.
MobileDevices The Regular expression to identify if Request’s User_Agent/Platform is mobile.
MobileLoginURL Mobile URL.
OutlookAddInTheme Default Theme for Outlook UI.
PageCacheability Specifies the ASP.NET Page Caching Mode to use in the XMWorkspace.
Valid values include:

  • ‘Server’: Any available location – client, proxy server, or host server.
  • ‘Private’: Client from which the request originated.
  • ‘Public’: Client or proxy server.
  • ‘NoCache’: No location. This setting disables caching.
  • ‘ServerAndNoCache’: Host server on which a request is processed.
  • ‘ServerAndPrivate’: Host server on which the request is processed and client from which request originated.
ParallelUploadSlots Determines the number of parallel Async File upload supported. An activity should not have more than this File Attachments at any time.
PasswordExpiration Specifies the maximum number of days between password changes; that is, the number of days a user’s new password is valid before the user is required to change it.
PasswordHistory Specifies the number of months for which a user’s password may not be re-used.  The default value of ‘0’ disables this feature, while ‘-1’ implies that users can never reuse any passwords.
PasswordInactivityTimeout Specifies a password inactivity timeout value (in days); that is, the maximum number of days between successful logins allowed per user before the user’s account is deactivated on the user’s next login.

Note: Setting this value to ‘0’ disables this feature.

PasswordPattern Defines the rule(s) (as a regular expression) to which a user’s password must conform
in order to be a valid password for the current site.Note: Any valid regular expression may be used. The following may prove useful:'(?=.*\d)’ Tests for a numeric character.

‘(?=.*[a-z])’: Tests for a lower case character.
‘(?=.*[A-Z])’: Tests for an upper case character.
‘(?=.*[^a-zA-Z0-9])’: Tests for any special character, for instance @, #, etc.
‘(?=.{{8,}})’: Tests a minimum length (of 8 characters). To test a maximum length, use {{3,12}} for example, which would check that a value is at least 3 characters long and no more than 12. The following value would include all of the tests mentioned above:

ProbihitedFileNameCharacters Comma separated list of characters that are to be removed from file names before they can be uploaded.  If not specified defaults to #,&,+,?,/,:
ProcessMiningCookieName XMAnalyzer Auth Cookie Name.

Note: Any change to this property must be replicated to XMAnalyzer Web.Config too.

ProcessMiningURL The URL location for the Process Mining site.
ProcessReportListLineNumbers A site-wide value for the maximum number of entries to show in the process and report page before paging.
ProxyHost Host for the Proxy to be used for Dynamic Web Service call.
ProxyPort Port for the Proxy to be used for Dynamic Web Service call.
RememberMeCookieTimeout Timeout for Remember me Cookie in Minutes.
RepositoryDirectory Defines the site-wide default directory to which uploaded files will be saved.

Note: All files uploaded via a File Attachment control will be stored in this directory (if these controls have not been individually configured otherwise). Any valid UNC path may be used.  In the cases where files are saved to a different drive (that is not  a subdirectory in the XMWorkspace) a virtual directory will have to be configured to that directory in order for hyperlinks to be resolved successfully.

RepositoryUrl Defines the URL to be prefixed to uploaded files when referencing them from within a script.

Note: This URL will be prefixed to all referenced file attachment objects in the XMWorkspace. When using a relative URL value the directory referenced must be configured as a virtual directory in the XMWorkspace on the server.

RequireSSL Setting indicating if the site is deployed on SSL.
SchedulerCacheExpiry Determines the number of seconds after which cached data for the scheduler is to be reloaded.
SchedulerDefaultFilter Determines the filtering behavior for scheduler; All – all machines/hard resources are to be loaded when no filter is appliedWorkingWith – only the machines/hard resources which are currently assigned to current user’s pending tasks are to be loaded. Owned – only the resources created by the current user are to be loaded by default. OwnedAndWorkingWith – Both Owned and WorkingWith.
SchedulerResourceDefaultCapacity Determines the number of tasks a Resource can be assigned at a time.
ServerMailAddress The e-mail address from which all XMPro related e-mails will be sent (appearing in the “From” field of all e-mails sent by the XMServer).
SessionStartRedirectExclusions Specifies a (semicolon (;) – separated) list of URLs to be checked before redirecting users to the ‘default.aspx’ page.  In other words, accessing an XMPro URL following a successful login will allow a user to access the URL only if it is in this list, else the user will be redirected to the ‘default.aspx’ page.
SharePointDefaultCredentialsEnabled Indicates whether the current Default Network Credentials should be used to authenticate SharePoint connections. If this is set to False then the custom configuration settings under ‘SharePoint’ will be used.
SharePointRepositoryPath The site-wide default relative path (relative to the ‘SharePointSiteUrl’ value) pointing to the default repository folder. All SharePoint File Attachments files will be uploaded here, by default.
SharePointSiteUrl The following values can be used to configure SharePoint-based file uploads (in a similar fashion as that of normal file uploads – see ‘RepositoryDirectory’ and ‘RepositoryUrl’ for examples of the latter).  The site-wide default SharePoint Site URL defining the root path for the relative ‘SharePointRepositoryPath’ value.
ShowScriptOnError A site-wide (debugging) value indicating whether or not to display a script’s content when its execution resulted in an error.
ShowVersionNumber A site-wide value indicating whether or not to display the process version information in the ‘Completed’ and ‘Tracking’ page entries.
SmtpServer The SMTP Server to be used when sending e-mails from the XMServer.
SQLCommandTimeOut A value indicating the number of seconds to wait for database commands to execute.

Note: Specifying the value ‘0’ will result in an ‘infinite’ time.

SupportMailAddress The e-mail address of any on-site XMPro support member (or members, in which case
each e-mail address should be separated with a semicolon (;)).Note: The ‘Support’ sub-menu under the ‘Info’ menu in the XMWorkspace uses this e-mail address as the destination of any support queries.Furthermore, all notification and escalation emails are formatted to include a line stating that users may use this e-mail address for support.
TaskListLineNumbers A site-wide value for the maximum number of entries to show in the task (Child) page before paging.
TrackingAndArchiveLineNumbers A site-wide value for the maximum number of entries to show in the ‘Completed’ and ‘Tracking’ pages before paging.
UploadToOptions Comma separated list of upload destinations to be made available to the UI.
If All is present, rest of the values will be ignored and all possible options will be displayed.
If only one option is present UI will preselect the option and disable the dropdown.
Possible options (All, XMPro, SharePoint).
UseSQLServerStoredProcedures Indicates whether or not the XMServer should use SQL Server stored procedures to perform its operations.

Note: The SQL Server stored procedures are created when the XMWorkspace is installed or upgraded.

WebsiteUrl The URL to the XMWorkspace.
XMConnectURL The URL to the XMConnect.
XMRecordURL The URL to the XMRecord.




Encoding Specify the encoding used for the subject by using the SubjectEncoding property. If a mail agent has difficulty with a SubjectEncoding of Unicode, use UTF8.
Text Default text to be used for the email subject.
Encoding Specify the encoding used for the subject by using the SubjectEncoding property. If a mail agent has difficulty with a SubjectEncoding of Unicode, use UTF8.
IsHTML Should the body be sent as HTML versus text.
Text Default text to be used for the email subject.
BCC Default BCC account.
CC Default CC account.
From Default From account.
Priority Contains the priority of this message. Options are High, Low, and Normal (Default).
ReplyTo Default ReplyTo account.
To Default To account.


Password The equivalent password for the username specified.
UseDefaultCredentials If the UseDefaultCredentials property is set to false, then the value set in User Name/Password will be used for the credentials when connecting to the server. If the UseDefaultCredentials property is set to false and the User Name/Password property has not been set, then mail is sent to the server anonymously.
UserName The Username to login with to the email server.
PickupDirectory Mail messages in the pickup directory are automatically sent by a local SMTP server. The default value for this property can also be set in a machine or application configuration file. Any changes made to the PickupDirectoryLocation property override the configuration file settings.
UseIISPickupDirectory Specify if the Pickup Directory should be used to search for emails to be sent.
HostAddress The address of the mail server.
Port Port for the mail exchange (port 100 is for non-encrypted, port 995 is for encrypted).
Timeout Default timeout specified.

Custom Connections

XMConnect The connection string to the XMConnect Database.
XMDB The connection string to the XMPro Database [with provider].
XMDBInternal The connection string to the XMPro Database [without provider].
XMDW The connection string to the XMPro Data Warehouse.
XMRecord The connection string to the XMRecord Database.


FacebookAppID Facebook sign-up:
LinkedConsumerKey LinkedIn configuration (140 character limitation)
SalesforceConsumerKey Salesforce Configuration:
SAPConsumerKey SAP Configuration:
TwitterConsumerKey Twitter sign-up:
WindowsLiveClientId Windows Live Configuration:

Report Connections




AssertionConsumerServiceUrl  ~/authentication/saml/AssertionConsumerService.aspx



This is the legacy version of the XMPro Documentation site. For the latest XMPro documentation, please visit