XMWorkspace How to use Allow Parameterization

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XMWorkspace How to use Allow Parameterization

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Allow Parameterization is used to flag the system to scan through the URL of the current First Activity to find control names with associated values. If an activity control name is found with a value, the system will set the control value with the specified value.


The following scenarios are possible with the use of Allow Parameterization:

  • Report Drill Downs
    • Using XMPro activities to create reports that list data or show data in various ways. Links can be used to hold specific parameter information that can be passed to additional report activities which can provide more detailed information.
  • Actioning First Activity List
    • When a first activity is being used to list task in a specific order. Links can be used in the list to navigate the user to an actioning activity that may be used amend the details in the task or complete the task.
  • Launching/Opening XMPro activities from external applications

How To

Step 1 Turn On Allow Parameterization

On the First Activity that you would like to have opened from the click event you will need to turn on the “Allow Parameterization” flag by setting it to true as per screen shot below.

Allow Parameterization

Step 2 Configure the link

The link that navigates to the relevant activity needs to include the Name of the fields that are required to be set in the opening activity. The link being used to click through to the detail activity needs to include the following:

  • The parameter, this will be the simple textbox name, and
  • The value, this will be the value of the parameter you will send through

An example of the URL with parameterization is as follows:


where AC1010ControlName is the name of the control in the activity being opened and the ValuePassedThrough is the value that will be set for the Control specified. The link can be configured in a reference label via an anchor tag “<a href=’’></a>

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