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After upgrading XMBPM or installing and using XMBPM for the first time an error message is received on all activities that have integration set up via the XMDesignerIs used to configure XMPro BPM solutions. Integration Wizard. The error is similar to the below message:
The error message seen is most likely caused by a version discrepancy between the Action Hub XMPro.XMConnect.dll and the XMBPM XMPro.XMConnect.dll. To resolve the error an amendment in the XMBPM web.config file is required. Copy the below xml and paste into the web.config file within the “runtime->assemblyBinding” elements.
XML to copy:
<dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name="XMPro.XMConnect" publicKeyToken="a79c0da5e4528976" culture="neutral"/> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/> </dependentAssembly>
Ensure the above xml is copied within the runtime->assemblyBinding elements:
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