What do I need to change in the XMPro settings when there is a change of SmtpServer details?

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What do I need to change in the XMPro settings when there is a change of SmtpServer details?

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It is recommended to test the change of SmtpServer details in a Test environment.

Further, to make the same change in the Production server during non-business hours to verify that notifications are sent out properly via the new SmtpServer.


To change the SmtpServer details, there are two places to change in the site settings via the XMDesigner. The screenshots below are related to XMDesigner v6.6. Both settings are under the Administration tab:

1. Click on Workspace. This will take you to the Application Settings.

  1. Find the SmtpServer key and put the new SmtpServer details alongside the port no where applicable in the Value section for that key.
    For example: NewSmtpServer.xmpro.com:[PortNo]
    If the default Port 25 is used, there is no need to supply the Port No detail.
  2. Click Save. When it asked for Save Changes? Click Yes.

2. Click on Settings. This will take you to the Email Settings.

  1. Find the HostAddress key and put the new SmtpServer details in the value section for that key.
  2. Find the Port key and put the Port No where applicable in the value section for that key.
    If the default Port 25 is used, there is no need to supply the Port No detail.
  3. Click Save. When it asked for Save Changes? Click Yes.


If XMAlert Service is configured to send notifications (either new, remind or escalate notifications), please also go to the XMManagement Console or Services (Windows) to restart the XMAlert Service for the new SmtpServer change to take effect.
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