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A number of network or infrastructure configuration can impact Stream HostIs a client application which hosts/executes the Use Cases designed by the user in the IoT Portal. connectivity. In order to analyze the connectivity, one may require to log StreamConsists of a combination of Stream Objects allowing real-time data to flow through. It is created to address a particular use case. Host connections. This is possible using the following SQL Queries on Data Stream DesignerIs a model-driven approach to connect, transform and action real-time “streaming” data in a visual, drag and drop manner. database.
Please do note that this can only be run by the administrator or a user with sufficient infrastructure level access.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DeviceConnectionLog]( [ConnectionId] [nvarchar](64) NULL, [Id] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [Name] [nvarchar](512) NULL, [EdgeContainerId] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [Timestamp] [bigint] NULL, [Rank] [int] NULL, [Connected] [datetime] NULL, [Disconnected] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[LogDeviceConnections] ON [dbo].[Device] AFTER INSERT, DELETE AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; INSERT INTO [DeviceConnectionLog]([ConnectionId] ,[Id] ,[Name] ,[EdgeContainerId] ,[Timestamp] ,[Rank] ,[Connected]) SELECT *, getdate() FROM inserted Update [DeviceConnectionLog] set [Disconnected] = getdate() WHERE [ConnectionId] in (SELECT [ConnectionId] from deleted) END SELECT TOP 5 [ConnectionId] ,[Id] ,[Name] ,[Connected] ,[Disconnected] ,DATEDIFF(hour, [Connected], [Disconnected]) as [Online time (h)] FROM [XMIoT].[dbo].[DeviceConnectionLog] ORDER BY [Connected] desc
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