Transfer Manager Clearing Other Activities on Import

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Transfer Manager Clearing Other Activities on Import

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Unhandled exception with message “The activity with id ‘XX’ either does not exist or has not been properly configured.” after using the Transfer Manager to import a process/activity.

When using the Transfer Manager to import a process/activity, it is possible that some activities (in the same or a different process) lose their configuration.

This issue currently affects versions earlier than v6.1 Update 3.

Identifying the issue

If this issue is affecting a process, the activity will display an error message when opened via the XMWorkspace Web interface. The error message shown is as follows:

“The activity with id ‘XX’ either does not exist or has not been properly configured.”

When opening the affected activity in XMDesigner, you will notice that all fields are missing from the activity and only the default XMDesigner-created fields are present.


The issue causes all fields on the affected activities to be deleted, so in order to resolve this issue you will need to use the Transfer Manager to re-import the affected processes from an existing export.

If re-importing causes other activities to be affected, continue re-importing all affected activities until no further activities have been affected.

It is possible for the scenario to arise where this issue behaves in a circular fashion, for example, importing Activity 1 breaks Activity 2, importing Activity 2 breaks Activity 3, and importing Activity 3 breaks Activity 1 again. In this case you will need to delete all three affected activities first and then re-import them.

Additional recommendations

  • When migrating processes between different environments, export each process separately. This will allow you to re-import the affected processes separately and limit knock-on effects of the issue.
  • In order to help identify activities that have been affected by this issue, run the following script after using the Transfer Manager. This script will identify any activities that have no fields configured.

SELECT [dbo].[fcEvent].[ProcessID]
,[dbo].[fcProcess].[Name] AS [ProcessName]
,[dbo].[fcEvent].[ID] AS [EventID]
,COUNT([dbo].[fcEventControl].[ID]) AS [ControlCount]
FROM [dbo].[fcEvent]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[fcEventControl]
ON [dbo].[fcEventControl].[EventID] = [dbo].[fcEvent].[ID]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[fcProcess]
ON [dbo].[fcProcess].[ID] = [dbo].[fcEvent].[ProcessID]
GROUP BY [dbo].[fcEvent].[ProcessID]
HAVING COUNT([dbo].[fcEventControl].[ID]) = 0

  • If activities keep getting cleared in a circular fashion, re-export all successfully imported processes/activities and use them to re-import if any of the processes are affected by importing other processes.activities.
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