Manually configure Action Hub in Subscription Manager

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Manually configure Action Hub in Subscription Manager

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If you need to manually configure Subscription Manager for Action Hub, you can use the below details as a reference.

For detailed instructions on how to add products and/or subscriptions, see the Subscription Manager how-to guides.

1. Configure Action Hub product in Subscription Manager

    • License Type: Unlimited
    • Product Type: Action Hub
    • Product Name:
      <Enter a name that will identify your Action Hub instance>
    • Administrator Role: Administrator
    • Product URL:
      <Enter the URL to you Action Hub instance>
    • Product Description:
      <Provide a description for you Action Hub instance>
    • Roles:
      •  Administrator
      • User
    • Keys:
      •  Generate a key for this product

2. Create a subscription to the product for the required company

Request a subscription for the newly configured product and get an admin of the XMPro company to approve

NOTE: This is the [email protected] account that is created when Subscription Manager is installed.

3. Grant a user the required access rights to approved Action Hub subscription.

If configuring an admin user, make sure that the Role is set to ‘Administrator’.

4. Configure Action Hub to use Subscription Manager

Action hub must be configured to authenticate using subscription manager. The following settings need to be configured for this to be enabled:

Application Settings

    • AuthenticationMode: subscriptionmanager

SubscriptionManager Custom Settings

A ‘SubscriptionManager’ Custom Setting section must be created with the following keys:

    • AutoRegister: true
    • ClientId:
      <enter the Product ID of the configured product in Subscription Manager>
    • ServerUrl: The url to the Subscription Manager instance
    • SharedKey:
      <enter the Product Key of the configured product in Subscription Manager> (generated in step #1)

Once this configuration is complete, the Action Hub instance should now be authenticating via Subscription Manager.


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