Keep Alive is Not Working Properly

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When clicking the “Keep me signed in” option, when the session times out, the session expires and nothing happens as expected.


  1. Copy the attached js (rename to .txt) and replace in the following location:
  2. In the root of the installed website, move the KeepAlive.aspx into the Account folder.
    • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\[site ]\Scripts\
    • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\[site ]\Scripts\JQuery\Plugins\timeout

The download the following attached files:

Keep Alive Timeout Option

The timeout option controlling the popup and the keep alive feature is contained within:

C:\inetpub\wwwroot\[site ]\Scripts\JQuery\Plugins\timeout\timeout-dialog.js

Line 2 in the attached file above, amend the timeoutval to any value required before the dialog gets displayed and the keep alive feature enabled.

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