Including Hyperlinks in Report Designer

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There are times that clients want to include hyperlinks to download a file (or) navigate to a URL in report designer.


Step 1: 
Add a Label in the report designer and bind the label with the value of the file (or) URL you want to navigate to.

Step 2:
Configure Before Print event for the Label.

Step 3:
In the before print function, implement the following code, which will convert the label as a Hyperlink to download the file.

Assuming the label is already binded to the file path (or) file name.

private void label9_BeforePrint(object sender, 
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs e) {

//custom code starts here
XRLabel hyperlinkLabel =(XRLabel) sender;
hyperlinkLabel.Text = "Download Attachment";
hyperlinkLabel.Width = 200;
hyperlinkLabel.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
HyperlinkLabel.Font = new Font ("Tahoma", 12, Fonstyle.Undeline);

//Set its URL and target.
hyperlinkLabel.NavigateUrl =

//hyperlinkLabel.NavigationUrl = "";
hyperlinkLabel.Target = "_blank";

//custom code ends here
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