How to connect to Administration Services via HTTPS

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To connect to XMWorkspace Services using HTTPS use following steps:

In the server side Web.config replace the following

< endpoint binding=”basicHttpBinding” bindingConfiguration=”HttpBinding_Services” contract=”XMPro.Contracts.Services.ISecurityService” / >


< endpoint binding=”wsHttpBinding” bindingConfiguration=”HttpBinding_Services” contract=”XMPro.Contracts.Services.ISecurityService” / >


< endpoint binding=”basicHttpBinding” bindingConfiguration=”HttpBinding_Services” contract=”XMPro.Contracts.Services.IClassicExecutionService” / >


< endpoint binding=”wsHttpBinding” bindingConfiguration=”HttpBinding_Services” contract=”XMPro.Contracts.Services.IClassicExecutionService” / >

Having configured your Endpoints, modify HttpBinding_Services binding, both on the server and client which is going to consume the service, as below

< wsHttpBinding>

< binding name=”HttpBinding_Services” sendTimeout=”00:10:00″ maxReceivedMessageSize=”16777216″ >

< readerQuotas maxStringContentLength=”16777216″ maxArrayLength=”16777216″ / >

< security mode=”Transport”>

< transport clientCredentialType=”None” / >

< message clientCredentialType=”None”


establishSecurityContext=”false” / >

< /security>

< /binding>

< /wsHttpBinding >

Finally if your client is XMMobile then for the redirection to work properly make sure WebsiteUrl in site.config starts with https

To use HTTPS along with Windows Authentication change transport clientCredentialType from ‘None’ to ‘Ntlm’
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