How Do I Install v5 XMAlert Service Release?

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Added a debug option to help identify when emails are not being generated where the issue is being generated from.

To Install

  1. Stop the service
  2. Close the MMC console
  3. Copy the two files into the installed service directory (C:\Program Files\eXomin\XMAlert Service\[Service Name])
  4. Open the XMAlert.Service.exe.config in a text editor and add the following:
<section name="debug" type="XMAlert.Configuration.DebugHandler,XMAlert.Configuration"/>
<debug><options enable="true" debugLocation="C:\Program Files\eXomin\XMAlert Service\XMAlert" /></debug>

The enable should be set to false in production and set to true when a debug is required
When set to true the debugLocation is used to store the file it generates. This can be any location on the machine

  1. Close the text editor
  2. Copy the file XMAlert.Configuration.dll to C:\Program Files\eXomin\XMManagement Console\ and override
  3. Open the MMC console and restart the service

The reason for the text editor adding and enabling/disabling is so that the option is not accidently switched on via the MMC console.

It is a debug option and should only be used as required and then disabled.
Please ensure that when you enable the logging to disable it, otherwise the file is going to grow and performance and space starts becoming an issue.
Please contact your implementation partner for details on the above.

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