How Do I Enable Windows Authentication for XMWorkspace Site?

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Many a times you have a situation where you want to enable Windows Authentication for the XMWorkspace site and still want users to use their Windows Credentials to Log into the Workspace even if they are accessing the site from a public computer that is not part of your Windows domain.

Firstly you need to enable Windows Authentication within your IIS Server as shown in the picture below:


First set the Authentication Mode in the Workspace Setting to Windows.

Then there are two options available to allow users to user their Windows Credentials to log into the XMWorkspace:

Option 1

The user logs into the Windows Domain using VPN and then RDP’s into their work machine and open the XMWorksapce and it will automatically log the user into XMWorkspace using their Windows Credentials.


The user uses a public computer to access XMWorkspace the user will be shown the Windows Authentication window first as shown below:


Once the user has entered their Windows Credential, the system will log the user into XMWorksapce with the appropriate Windows Credentials.

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