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The one downside to this is that when upgrading a site from v5.x the browse pages would take on their windowwidth versus a blank width and as such they were expanding past the page defaults and in turn making the form render in a strange fashion.
The below script will update all browse pages and move the width property to the new attribute in the options column for both width and height.
Support for SQL version 2008+ (due to the use of sql:variable within the script).
Please run the below after your site has been upgraded though the site manager and as always ensure a database backup is available in the unlikely event of an error and a rollback is required.
The script is a cursor that is going to loop through all browse page controls and update as required, it is all SQL transaction based so in the event of an error it will rollback and display the relevant error message.
The end result is all browse pages with a blank value in windowwidth and a value in width will have this reversed, all browse pages without a windowwidth will have one added and width updated.
The same applies for the height attribute to windowheight.
DECLARE @controlId BIGINT, @options XML DECLARE @width BIGINT, @windowwidth BIGINT, @height BIGINT, @windowwidthfound BIT DECLARE @errorMessage varchar(4000) SET @errorMessage = '' BEGIN TRANSACTION [controloption_update] BEGIN TRY DECLARE ControlOptionsCleaner CURSOR FOR SELECT [ID], [Options] FROM [dbo].[fcEventControl] WHERE [Type] = 'Browse Page' OPEN ControlOptionsCleaner FETCH NEXT FROM ControlOptionsCleaner INTO @controlId, @options WHILE (@@Fetch_Status = 0) BEGIN SELECT @width = @options.value('(/options/width)[1]', 'BIGINT') SELECT @windowwidth = @options.value('(/options/windowwidth)[1]', 'varchar(max)') SET @windowwidthfound = @options.exist('/options/windowwidth') IF (@options.exist('/options/height') = 1) BEGIN SELECT @height = @options.value('(/options/height)[1]', 'BIGINT') END If @width > 0 AND ((@options.exist('/options/windowwidth') = 0) OR @windowwidth = '') BEGIN PRINT 'Found Item' PRINT @controlId DECLARE @INTVALUE NVARCHAR(5) SET @INTVALUE = @options.value('(/options/width/text())[1]', 'NVARCHAR(5)') SET @options.modify('insert <windowwidth>{sql:variable("@INTVALUE")}</windowwidth> as last into (/options)[1]') If (@windowwidthfound = 1) BEGIN SET @options.modify('delete (/options/windowwidth)[1]') END SET @options.modify('replace value of (/options/width/text())[1] with ""') IF (@height > 0) BEGIN SET @options.modify('insert <windowheight>{sql:variable("@height")}</windowheight> as last into (/options)[1]') SET @options.modify('delete (/options/height)[1]') END UPDATE [dbo].[fcEventControl] SET [Options]=CAST(@options AS VARCHAR(MAX)) WHERE [ID]=@controlId END FETCH NEXT FROM ControlOptionsCleaner INTO @controlId, @options END COMMIT TRANSACTION [controloption_update] CLOSE ControlOptionsCleaner; DEALLOCATE ControlOptionsCleaner; END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRANSACTION [controloption_update] CLOSE ControlOptionsCleaner; DEALLOCATE ControlOptionsCleaner; SET @errorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() PRINT @errorMessage END CATCH GO
Update script for Advanced browse page widths
The below script has been updated to handle a non-width for advanced browse pages (Edit the value 150 as appropriate)
DECLARE @controlId BIGINT, @options XML DECLARE @width BIGINT, @windowwidth BIGINT, @height BIGINT, @windowwidthfound BIT DECLARE @errorMessage varchar(4000) SET @errorMessage = ” BEGIN TRANSACTION [controloption_update] BEGIN TRY DECLARE ControlOptionsCleaner CURSOR FOR SELECT [ID], [Options] FROM [dbo].[fcEventControl] WHERE [Type] = ‘Advanced Browse Page’ OPEN ControlOptionsCleaner FETCH NEXT FROM ControlOptionsCleaner INTO @controlId, @options WHILE (@@Fetch_Status = 0) BEGIN SELECT @width = @options.value(‘(/options/width)[1]’, ‘BIGINT’) If (@options.exist(‘/options/width’) = 0 OR @width < 0 OR @width = '') BEGIN SET @options.modify('insert 150 as last into (/options)[1]’) If (@width < 0 OR @width = '') BEGIN SET @options.modify('delete (/options/width)[1]') END UPDATE [dbo].[fcEventControl] SET [Options]=CAST(@options AS VARCHAR(MAX)) WHERE [ID]=@controlId PRINT @controlId END FETCH NEXT FROM ControlOptionsCleaner INTO @controlId, @options END COMMIT TRANSACTION [controloption_update] CLOSE ControlOptionsCleaner; DEALLOCATE ControlOptionsCleaner; END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRANSACTION [controloption_update] CLOSE ControlOptionsCleaner; DEALLOCATE ControlOptionsCleaner; SET @errorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() PRINT @errorMessage END CATCH GO
Browse Page with 0 Width specified
The above script has been updated to handle a non-width for browse pages (Edit the value 150 as appropriate)
DECLARE @controlId BIGINT, @options XML DECLARE @width BIGINT, @windowwidth BIGINT, @height BIGINT, @windowwidthfound BIT DECLARE @errorMessage varchar(4000) SET @errorMessage = ” BEGIN TRANSACTION [controloption_update] BEGIN TRY DECLARE ControlOptionsCleaner CURSOR FOR SELECT [ID], [Options] FROM [dbo].[fcEventControl] WHERE [Type] = ‘Browse Page’ OPEN ControlOptionsCleaner FETCH NEXT FROM ControlOptionsCleaner INTO @controlId, @options WHILE (@@Fetch_Status = 0) BEGIN SELECT @width = @options.value(‘(/options/width)[1]’, ‘BIGINT’) If (@options.exist(‘/options/width’) = 0 OR @width < 0 OR @width = '') BEGIN SET @options.modify('insert 150 as last into (/options)[1]’) If (@width < 0 OR @width = '') BEGIN SET @options.modify('delete (/options/width)[1]') END UPDATE [dbo].[fcEventControl] SET [Options]=CAST(@options AS VARCHAR(MAX)) WHERE [ID]=@controlId PRINT @controlId END FETCH NEXT FROM ControlOptionsCleaner INTO @controlId, @options END COMMIT TRANSACTION [controloption_update] CLOSE ControlOptionsCleaner; DEALLOCATE ControlOptionsCleaner; END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRANSACTION [controloption_update] CLOSE ControlOptionsCleaner; DEALLOCATE ControlOptionsCleaner; SET @errorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() PRINT @errorMessage END CATCH GO
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