Site Styles

Action Hub now offers the ability to anyone with administrative rights to change the styling inside Action Hub for their company. Each of the elements that can be changed, along with the styles that can be changed on them, are listed on a page that can be accessed from the menu on the left.

Example: Changing header styles

In this example, we will  be changing some of the styles of the application header and sidebar, containing the Home button, sidebar application buttons and Action Hub logo. Log into Action Hub with an account that has administrative access and follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Site Styles page from the left-hand menu.
  2. In the Header area, change the font to “Brush Script MT”.
  3. Change the Sidebar Background Color to “#003366”. You can change the color by either typing in the value or by choosing a color from the drop-down field.
  4. Change the Sidebar Hover Color to “#008080”
  5. Click Save.
  6. Press F5 on your keyboard to refresh the page.

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