What are the Results of Keeping a Checkbox Unchecked OnRefresh?

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If you ever need to use a checkbox to indicate a ‘reload’, you would need it to appear unchecked once the page refreshes.

Otherwise, it appears as checked and you would actually end up un-checking the ‘reload’ option to refresh the page the next time.

  1. Add a checkbox control element on XMDesigner, name it appropriately, and then right-click on it and select ‘XMPro Wizard’.
  2. Click on the Options tab.
  3. Click on the static value symbol to change it to become an expression editor symbol. (At this stage, manually typing in “False” will not make the checkbox default as unchecked)
  4. Click on the three dots that appear on the right side of the text field, and click on Constants on the popup window and then double-click on ‘False’.
  5. Click Ok to close out and save.

You would have to go through the expression editor to choose such a default value for now, and manually entering a static value will not give the desired results.

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