How Do I Resolve the Error using File Attachment GetFileName in Activities in XMPro 5.1.1?

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I get the following error when I try to use the customFunctions.GetFileName() function in XMPro 5.1.1.

I am running the site in managed code (C#).

The name ‘customFunctions’ does not exist in the current context.


The managed code to use would be:

Functions customFunctions = new Functions();
string filename = customFunctions.GetFileName(activity.GetControlValue("FileAttachmentControlName"));

I have noticed the drag and drop, excludes the declaration which will be amended to include.

Resolution: VB.Net

For VB.Net scripting:

Dim customFunctions As New Functions()
Dim filename As String = customFunctions.GetFileName(activity.GetControlValue("FileAttachmentControlName"))
activity.SetControlValue("ControlToSet", filename)
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