How Do I Update the Connection String when the site.config is Encrypted?

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This version of XMPro by default encrypts the site.config versus an unencrypted file in previous versions. It was found that the site.config was left unencrypted when a site was implemented even though the encrypt function was present.

This encrypting of the file raises some interesting questions around the updating of details specifically the main SQL connection string to the site.

The update of the SQL connection string can be done in the following manner:

  1. You need to be on the web server that is hosting the XMWorkspace (The web services cannot be accessed remotely).
  2. Navigate to (replacing the items in [] as required): http://[Server name]/[site name]/administration/genericwebservice.asmx
  3. Click the UpdateConnectionString.
  4. In the Value text box update the connection string (replacing the [] as required): Data Source=[];Initial Catalog=[];User ID=[];Password=[]
  5. Click Invoke and wait for the popup to state Completed.
  6. Once done an IISRESET or an APP Pool reset for the site in question is required. This is required as your updating the main SQL connection string for the site.
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