MQTT Listener


The MQTT Listener is a generic MQTT which allows users to listen to or read data post to a channel in MQTT.


To add the MQTT Listener to a stream, follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure you have a use case open in the stream designer, this can be a new use case or an existing use case
  2. From the toolbox on the left expand the Listener option and scroll down until you can see “MQTT Listener”
    • You can also use the search in the header to find the stream object quickly
  3. Click and drag the MQTT Listener from the toolbox onto the canvas
  4. Rename the Listener by clicking into the text button on the action bar
  5. Save the Stream by clicking the save button in the action bar
  6. Hover over the icon for the stream object until it turns orange and then double click to open the configuration page
    • You can optionally use the configure option on the action bar once you have selected the specific stream object and then clicking this option
  7. Configuration options
    • The drop down allows you to associate this stream object with a specific collection. The default option is derived from the default specified against the specific use case and is generated left as the same option. If you do need to change it to another collection make the change by selecting the new collection in the drop down.
  8. Enter Settings
    • Enter the Broker Address
    • Enter the Topic
    • Tick “Clean Session” if you want a clean session to be started
    • Select Payload format from dropdown list – JSON or HEX
      • Select Payload format – JSON
        • Specify the JSON path for payload. This is only required if the payload has a nested structure
        • Select Include Source Message in Payload
        • Add Names in Payload Table
      • Select Payload format –   For each column
        • Enter Column Name
  9. Click Apply on the action bar, and then save the stream using the save button.

None at this time

Release Notes
Version: 1.8
Released: 27-Sep-2019
Release Notes: Added option to return source message in the payload
Version Released Release Notes
1.7 08-May-2019
  • Added checkbox to specify whether to use Clean Session or not.
  • Handle re-connection after Broker connection drop – Agent tries to reconnect every 5 seconds until connection is established.
1.63 4-March-2019 Updated help URL.
1.62 18-Feb-2019 Payload definition – cannot focus out of a new row.
1.61 22-Nov-2018 Added HEX as payload option.
1.51 07-Nov-2018 Added exception handling to receive method.
1.5 15-Aug-2018 Added Checkbox option to specify JSON Path for nested payload.
1.42 14-Aug-2018 Modified listener to handle messages with format as JSON Object as well as JSON Array.
1.4 29-May-2018 Modified listener to handle messages with nested structure.
1.3 17-May-2018 Validation added.
1.2 08-May-2018 Unhandled exception crashes the Host.
1.1 04-May-2017 V3 Release.
1.0 12-Apr-2017 Initial Release.

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