Server Error in ‘/XMPro’ Application Runtime Error

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This normally relates to an environmental issue.

On this occasion, within the browser on submit, the error pointed to the web.config file.

The client had recently switched on error logging in live (within the web.config) for another issue and it was since then that these errors started occurring.

Strangely, it was occurring randomly for a large number of users.

The service account doesn’t seem to have WRITE permissions to the error log file location as within Event Viewer on the application server it was throwing up the message:

"Exception type: InvalidOperationException
Exception message: Cannot open log for source 'XMWorkspace'. You may not have write access."


In LIVE, disable logging in the config file and then re-testing a form submission worked.

In the process of testing this further at the moment and seeing if this can be replicated in UAT as the client believes that LIVE and UAT are the same.

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