Browse Page is not Closing when Selecting Value

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On an object group, there are two new fields (From Country and To Country) and they are hidden.

There are two browse pages which populate a visible text box and also the hidden one for both From and To.

When selecting an item from the browse page you have to manually close the browse page.

However, the hidden fields are not populated as the underlying SQL table does not contain values for those columns.

When the text boxes are visible, it gets around this issue.

The Style attribute can be added on the text boxes, but it doesn’t look great (see image)


Are there any ways around this?

The countries need to be recorded, so they can be included in the logic for sending of e-mails, for example, if they travellers from outside the UK coming here, then they need to inform our UK travel coordinators.



Try the following in the style: display: none;

Just be aware that in older style browsers, for example, IE 8 this will cause an issue.

You must have the ‘visible” controls on the forms for browse pages to work.

If you specified a mapping control, and it’s visible property is set to false in the designer, you will get the issue with having to close the browse page manually.

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