Configure Windows Integrated Authentication with Internet Explorer/Edge and Chrome

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To utilize Single Sign on for XMPro the browser must be able to pass the user’s windows credentials to IIS. This article shows additional settings that might be required for Internet Explorer, Edge, and Chrome.


For Internet Explorer

  1. Launch Internet Explorer and browse to the XMPro Workspace.
  2. Navigate to Tools/Internet options
  3. Select the Security  tab
  4. If ‘Local Intranet’ is highlighted, Windows Integrated Security should work. If Windows Integrated Security does not work, then select ‘Custom level’, and scroll to the bottom of the window. You should see User Authentication\Log on options.
    If you can change these settings, then set to ‘Automatic log-on only in the Intranet zone’.
  5. If ‘Internet’ is highlighted, select ‘Trusted Sites’. Then select ‘Sites’.
  6. You will see the XMPro Workspace URL, select ‘Add’ to add the XMPro Workspace to the Trusted Websites zone.
    If you are unable to make any changes to these settings, please contact your IT department.

For Edge

These settings are not held as part of the Operating System. Go to Start Menu\Settings. Type Internet in the ‘Find a setting’ search box.

Select ‘Internet Option’.

Now follow Steps 3 – 6 from Internet Explorer section

For Chrome

Chrome uses existing Internet Explorer settings. Please follow the steps outlines in the Internet Explorer section.

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