Data Stream Designer: How to give access to others to see or edit my data stream or prevent them from seeing it?

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Depending on the nature of a data stream, a user might want to allow others to view or edit the data stream after designing it, especially if that user is a part of a larger team and the data stream needs to be approved or reviewed.

A user might also want to restrict who can view or change a data stream for security reasons by revoking access to someone, for example if a person moved to another team in a company or other circumstances changed resulting in a user not having any good reason for viewing or editing a particular data stream.


To grant or revoke read or write access to a data stream, start by opening the data stream in the data stream designer by selecting Use Cases from the left-hand menu and then selecting your data stream.

Granting access

To grant access for someone to your data stream, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Share
  2. Click on Add
  3. Select the user you would like to share your dream with from the list
  4. Select the permission that person should have on the data stream. Two options are available:
      1. Read
      2. Write
  5. Click OK

Revoking Access

  1. Click on Share
  2. Select the user you would like to revoke access for from the list
  3. Click on Delete
  4. Confirm that you would like to remove access for the selected user
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