How to verify your Data Stream Designer and Stream Host installations are working correctly

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Here’s a quick guide to verify your Data Stream Designer and Stream Host installations (console version is used in this illustration).

Step 1:

Go to the Collection you used for your Stream Host installation, and set Remote Receiver and Remove Publisher to blank if they aren’t already.

Step 2:

Create a new Use Case. Set the Default Collection to the one you used during your Stream Host installation.

Step 3:

Drag a Event Simulator Listener Agent and a Event Printer Action Agent onto your Data Stream Designer page, then save the page. If you don’t have those two agents, ask your XMPro rep for access.

Step 4:

Link the Output of the Event Simulator to the input of the Event Printer.


Step 5:

Double click the Event Simulator, and set the Events per second to 1, and add an Event Definition with a Minimum Value of 0, and a Maximum Value of 1. Then click Apply.

Step 6:

Click the Integrity Check to check for any errors. You shouldn’t get any at this point but its always good to check.


Step 7:

Make sure your Stream Host is running as administrator, then click Publish. If everything is setup correctly, you should start seeing entries like this in your Stream Host:


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