Types of Agents

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Listeners are created by implementing IAgent and IPollingAgent interfaces. To push the events to the next receiver, the OnPublish event should be invoked and the events should be passed as arguments.

Action Agents/ Functions

Action Agents are created by implementing the IAgent and IReceivingAgent interfaces. The Receive method will be called every time events are received by this agent. To publish these events again, the same logic as per the Listener agent can be used.

Context Providers

Context Providers are created by implementing the IAgent, IPollingAgent interfaces. They are very similar to Listeners; however, Context Providers publish all available records/events when polled instead of only publishing the newer/changed ones.


Transformations are implemented in a similar way as Action agents, except that all Transformations should have the Require Input Map flag set to false and must not implement the GetInputAttributes method, hence it should be:

public IEnumerable<XMIoT.Framework.Attribute> GetIntputAttributes(string endpoint, IDictionary<string, string> parameters)

throw new NotImplementedException();


Please move on to the next section where we will look at the difference between virtual and non-virtual agents.
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